

mosaic candle holder

for Pols Potten

Mosaic (2013) was designed to be a playful piece for both inside and outside use and it has one subtle but distinctive advantage over other other candleglasses: by providing a little extra space in the glass for the fingertips to hold the candle while gently placing it in the holder, there is nog longer the need to clumbsily drop the burning candle, risking the flame to die out.

The design of Mosaic is the result of a self-initiated design thesis and originated from the wish to create a new, elegant candleholder that would use minimalistic design to introduce a significant improvement over similar products. The shape that emerged from our research makes it possible to make beautiful arrangements of light and colour, from one single product to large combinations in any shape.

The design was taken into production by Dutch label Pols Potten.

Mosaic 04
Mosaic 02
Mosaic 03 2
Mosaic 06
Mosaic 07
Mosaic 05

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