
Green Basics grow trays

Green Basics grow trays

Studio Bas van der Veer was assigned by Dutch pottery brand Elho to design a contemporary interpretation of the classic grow-your-own greenhouses for growing herbs and vegetables. The result is a complete family of products for small-scale gardening, consisting of troughs, growing trays, saucers, soil scoops and plant labels made from recycled plastics.

The troughs come in three different sizes, two of which can be covered with a matching transparent greenhouse to improve growing conditions. The soil scoops and plant labels, also made from recycled plastics, both come in three different sizes as well.

The system of trays and greenhouses was specifically designed to make all the pieces nest perfectly into each other, so the small-sized trays and greenhouses fit nicely into the medium-sized trays and greenhouses, and then the medium-sized products also fit perfectly in the large Garden Tray.

(images: NoPoint)

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